Thursday 16 August 2007

Ghostly & Haunted Tours of Scotland.

Ghostly & Haunted Tours of Scotland.

"Are you troubled by strange noises in the middle of the night?
   Do you experience feelings of dread in your basement or attic?
      Have you or your family ever seen a spook, spectre or ghost?
        If the answer is "yes," then don't wait another minute.
          Pick up the phone and call the professionals... "

Quoted from the movie "GhostBusters"

When this idea was floated at a meeting some of the staff jumped at the chance to make this tour. After some research we found that there no other companies in scotland offering a full tour which travels and staying in haunted castles, visits haunted location and can pass on a lot of history about the haunted places in scotland. (at time of writing, march 15th 07, We are the first company to run Ghost tours that links all the areas together in Scotland)

So we are in the process of linking all the little businesses that offer these services in localised areas to create for you a fantastic Ghostly Tour of Scotland.

We are now inviting you on a Ghostly and Haunted tour of scotland.A chance to find out what is really going on inside the walls of every ancient Manor House or Castle.

On your Ghostly and Haunted tour of the 'not so Bonnie Scotland', you will be given the opportunity to visit ancient graveyards where ghostly apparitions have been sighted, castles, churches, cathedrals, abbeys, closes, battlefields, sinister railway stations and more.

Below are some of the places we are planning to visit on the tour (yes some of them are south of the border but the opportunity they represent was to good to miss). More on Ghostly and haunted Tours

Tour Scotland : 7 Days : 10 Days : 14 Days : Western Gateway : Highland Adventure : Family Tour : Edinburgh Tattoo : Ghostly Haunted Tour

About Scotland : Castles in Scotland : Scottish Food

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